Nyan Cat Theme
You all know the lyrics to this one, right?
You all know the lyrics to this one, right?
One of the two Steve Howe masterpieces, step by step, with tab and all
You can’t run away from this. You know you have to know this song :)
Marty Friedman’s awesome arpeggio-laden solo instrumental
Let’s learn exactly how to play Trace Bundy’s great acoustic two-hand tapping composition. It’s an awesome technique to learn!
A beginner Touch Technique lesson
My chord & melody arrangement of the awesome movie theme. It’s not easy, but it’s easier than you think it is
Combine palm muting with open strings and hammer ons and you get a unique acoustic rhythm pattern
Classic video game. Classic theme. It’s actually the Level 1 Theme, but who cares.
It doesn’t matter whether you liked the show or not, what matters is that you get this solo under your fingers